The Thief
Return of the "Battleship"
To Award (Posthumously)
Bonfire in the White Night
Partners in Crime
Very Important Person
Start Liquidation
Facts of the Past Day
Petrovka Street, Number 38
Pirates of the 20th Century
The Fight in the Taiga
Meet Me at the Fountain
Golden River
The Lost Expedition
Escape of Mr. McKinley
Matters of the Heart
Парашюты на деревьях
Silver Trumpets
The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'
О друзьях-товарищах
The Red Tent
The Magician
Give Me a Paw, My Friend!
Man Without a Passport
Early in the Morning
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
Trust Me, People
They Conquer the Skies
Mishka, Seryoga and I
Eagle Island
A Simple Story
Carnival Night