Ruslan and Ludmila
The Brothers Karamazov
Wedding in Malinovka
Light of a Distant Star
Секретарь обкома
General and Daisies
Virgin Soil Upturned
City at Dawn
Ivan the Terrible, Part II: The Boyars' Plot
The Tale of Chapayev
The Variegateds Case
The Purpose of His Life
Heart Beats Again
The Sword and the Dragon
The Drummer's Fate
Alitet Leaves for the Hills
The Fall of Berlin
Naval Battalion
The Turning Point
Ivan the Terrible, Part I
The Prince and the Pauper
The Girl from Leningrad
Fifth Ocean
Peasant woman
Stepan Razin
Alexander Nevsky
The Paris Commune
Paths of Enemies
Love and Hate
The Four Visits of Samuel Wolfe
And Quiet Flows the Don